Marie Moïse

Marie Moïse has a PhD in Political Philosophy at the University of Padua and Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès, she is a teacher at the Stanford University of Florence and researcher at the Sapienza University in Rome, and she is part of the board of Razzismo Brutta Storia (Feltrinelli). Being herself Italian-Haitian, she investigates the intersectionality of gender, race and class relations from a decolonial feminist perspective; this was also the approach to her doctoral research on Frantz Fanon. Moreover, she is a co-author of Future. Il domani narrato delle voci di oggi edited by Igiaba Scego (effequ, 2019) and of Introduzione ai femminismi edited by Anna Curcio (DeriveApprodi, 2019) with the essay «Black feminism». At Edizioni Alegre, she additionally co-authored Blues e femminismo nero (2022) e Donne, razza e classe (2018) di Angela Davis, Manifesto della cura. Per una politica dell’interdipendenza di The Care Collective (2021) and Femonazionalismo. Il razzismo nel nome delle donne by Sara R. Farris (2019). For Capovolte, she co-translated Memorie della piantagione by Grada Kilomba (2021). She is also an activist of the Ri-Make Bene Comune space, in the periphery of Milan. Here, she contributes to projects in the neighborhood aimed at sharing care work and at enlarging the economic autonomy of women.